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Palestras e Conferências

FELAEN – São Paulo
Tratamento Atual da Neuropatia Diabética: Terapia Combinada?
Congresso Internacional de Diabetes – Panamá
Take Control Peaks & Valleys: “The Management of DPNP and improving outcomes for patients”
SBD – Florianópolis
Simpósio de Disfunção Autonômica no Diabetes: “Tratamento das Manifestações Clínicas da NAC”
Learning objectives of this lecture:
Through attending this lecture, delegates should be able to:
• Describe the aetiology, prevalence and clinical features of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP)
• Demonstrate a solid understanding of the disease-modifying and symptomatic treatment options available for DPNP
• Identify factors that influence treatment selection for DPNP in
clinical practice
• State the unmet needs of current treatment options for DPNP, and describe potential future therapy options to prevent or treat DPNP

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